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Eggless Banana Pudding

Ever since I tasted the famous Banana pudding from Magnolia Bakery in NY, I've been wanting to recreate it at home. Not because it tasted amazing but because I knew I could do a better job - I didn't taste enough pudding, bananas or Nila wafers in theirs. It was more of a whipped cream texture with some bananas here and there - nah, didn't think it was worth the hype!

So I had some bananas lying around and instead of making the usual suspect a Banana bread, I decided to try and make a quick, simple pudding with ingredients lying around - think condensed milk, cream, cookies and so on. It's the perfect dessert when you have to whip up something in a jiffy or don't have the energy for something elaborate, especially during the holiday season.


Vanilla flavored Greek yogurt - 450 grams (can use plain greek yogurt)

Heavy cream - 150 grams

Sweetened Condensed milk - 150 grams (adjust as per taste)

Vanilla essence - 2 tsp

Wafers of choice - enough to layer (I used eggless Speculoos cookies)

Bananas - enough to layer


Beat together Greek yogurt, cream, condensed milk and vanilla essence. Adjust sweetness depending on how sweet you like this. Bear in mind bananas and cookies will add another layer of sweetness. Pour the liquid into serving bowls or one large bowl, place the cookies over this, layer with bananas and then repeat for as many layers as you like. Crush cookies over the top and keep in the fridge to set. Best left overnight so that the ingredients can hang out and become mates.

Serve chilled. For an adult dessert you could add a teaspoon or more of liqueur like Baileys or Amarulla and make it a decadent indulgence!



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