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Double Chocolate Guinness Cake

Updated: Dec 7, 2022

It's no secret that I love chocolate. I also like Guinness and so when the two are combined its a double whammy, plus double the chocolate - what's not to love about this cake! Always grateful for cake in my life!


Oat flour – 1 cup

Regular flour – 1 cup

(Substitute with 2 cups of regular flour if oat flour is not available)

Cocoa powder – ¾ cup

Butter – 300 grams

Baking powder – 2 tsps

Coconut sugar – 2 cups (you can use the same quantity of regular sugar or brown sugar)

Eggs – 2 (medium or large, if small eggs then use 3)

Sour cream – 150 ml

Guinness – 1 cup (feel free to finish the rest of the can)

Vanilla essence – 2 tsps

Dark chocolate pieces or chips – 1 cup


Sieve flour, cocoa powder and baking powder. Keep aside.

Melt together butter and Guinness. When the butter has fully melted and the Guinness warmed through, add in the sugar and mix well. Whisk together eggs, vanilla essence and sour cream. To this add the melted butter mixture and then add the sieved flour mixture. Whisk well to ensure no lumps remain. Finally fold in the chocolate chips. Pour into a prepared cake tin and cook for about 45 – 50 minutes at 180C or until a skewer inserted comes out clean. Leave it to cool and then either dust with icing sugar or frost with chocolate ganache. I just used a store bought frosting because it’s perfectly ok to do so.

Enjoy this cake with a steaming hot cuppa because cake combined with Guinness is always a good idea!


1 Comment

Dec 01, 2022

Absolutely yummy cake. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

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